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trust nothing, trust nobody

Cybersecurity & RadioComms

Radio, Vsat & TVRO, Starlink

LF-MF-HF-VHF-UHF, GMDSS, Analog & Digital Survey, Installation, Support & Training.


Audit & Assessment, Support, Installation & Training, Industry news, cyber updates, protection deployment, prevention & recovery, etc


Mircophones, Bluetooth, GSM, 3G/LTE, mini video cameras, WIFI physical & software intrussion detection and annihilation etc.

Networking & PC, Audio-Video

Installation, Maintenance & upgrading (hardware), OS (Windows/Apple/Android) & software updating, remote support, etc

RF & Wifi monitoring and heatmap

Spectrum analysis for troubleshooting and improving your radio (HF - VHF - UHF, Wifi 2.4/5/6 Ghz) coverage and operability in radio & WiFi.

Web design & SEO

Websites with Social Media capabilities, PenTest & CyberSecurity Audit.

Deep Web & Social Media research, investigation & analyzsis

Information IS the power!

Temporary / Relief AVIT Office

For Operations, Shipyard, New Build, Sea Trials to cover your pesonnel for a limited period of time.

Social Media

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